Monday, 25 April 2011

NSW State Election

Did you like the video? Well if so you can download the ringtone from the NSW Liberal Party website! Personally I would be a little embarrassed to answer my phone in public with this particular ringtone, plus I would likely be soon driven insane if it was stuck in my head all day. Surely with the recent state election we are all aware of the repetitive backstabbing advertisements and campaigns that tell us not what they are planning to do to improve our state but what the opposition is doing wrong. Are these advertisements even effective and should we be concerned about the money and time spent towards criticising the oppositions policies through advertisements played every single add break. Why can’t they actually do something more productive and beneficial, which logically you’d assume would then increase their votes, proving they are fit to run the state and perhaps actually care about its’ operating rather than their own status and reputation. However the media does specifically manage to show us footage of our party leaders in schools and hospitals, talking with the elderly or visiting sick children, evidently giving the public what they want. Its clear it’s a pretty fierce fight to the finish but surely they can go without the, lets just say it, lame and unnecessary add campaigns and do I need to even mention the ringtone again? I mean really.

However there is also positive use of the media used by the political parties. With a whole new and rapidly evolving generation of technology, many companies and organizations have branched out into social media for promoting and advertising of absolutely anything and everything. Even politicians are getting involved, on the Labour Parties website it lists which of their members have facebook, twitter or are on youtube. Evidently these efforts are aimed at reaching today’s generation of social media fanatics’ but as the social media community increases it is becoming an essential source for obtaining immediate information and also allowing us to comment and have our say. Whether it’s considered or even read, who knows, but it still provides a feeling of involvement accessible to anyone and of which I think is highly valued by most individuals.

NSW Liberal Campaign Head Quarters (2011) Liberal Party of Australia, New South Wales

NSW Labor Party (2011)

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear, I didn't know about the ringtone, that is truly scary!

    Great reflection on the power of social media- it certainly seems as though political debate is advanced, or at least grown, through the use of social media, attracting the attention of people who perhaps in the past would not have engaged in the discussion. Now the Libs are in it will be interesting to see where they go with law and order policies!

